Unified Remix

Make it personal

Use a playlist to mix clips from multiple origins into a single stream, and deliver to all devices with no discontinuity. Add a promo, output conditioned manifests, and media segments and prepare your VOD content for ad insertion.
Get started

Unified Remix takes an innovative approach by performing content stitching upstream from the origin server. Other use cases include virtual live streams, stream personalization, pre-rolls, mid-rolls, post-rolls, and nPVR. And many other interesting cases are in store.

Think of Unified Remix as a just-in-time video-editing suite. Streams can be personalized in any arrangement: a stream for each viewer; streams to groups of viewers (according to geolocation or subscriptions, for example); or even a single stream for all viewers.

How it works

As a playlist-resolving software engine, Unified Remix uses a playlist on the server side, removing all decision logic from the player. Unified Remix bases the playlist on a general ruleset triggered by a CMS, a recommendation system, or other business rules. Then Unified Remix transforms the remixed MP4 playlist into input for Unified Origin and Unified Packager, both of which can deliver all playout formats. The result: a unified approach to delivering to all devices from a single playlist.

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Contact us to give the power of Unified Remix a test drive. We're eager to hear your specific needs and provide you with the best solution.

Key features

Remix content with a playlist

Mixes clips from various origins into a single stream

Can work everywhere

Eliminates need to manipulate manifests

Fits seamlessly into existing workflows

Removes player SDK requirement

Accommodates content protection

Supports all major DRM systems

Main benefits

Accurate editing

Creates any clip, accommodating promos, pre-rolls, mid-rolls, and post-rolls

Conditioned content

Ready for third-party ad insertion

Low impact processing

Changes are made server side, without affecting devices or apps

Buffer-free experience

Reduces buffering times, since no content stitching is at the player

Easy to integrate

Fits with any workflow and CMS


Unified Remix’s annual licensing and fees are use case-based.

Request product trial

Experience the power of Unified Remix. Start right away with a trial, or just contact us to learn more about the best solution for your needs.

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See how our products work through a one-on-one demo and video chat with one of our experts.