4 min read

Wanna boost your media conditioning? MPU makes it easy!

4 min read

Terminology mindgames: replacing Unified Transcoding with Media Processing Unit—and making life better for everyone

Unified Transcoding has always been a challenge for us. For several reasons. For one, Unified Transcoding led to misunderstandings, because it didn't perform all the functions typically expected of a “Transcoder.”
6 min read

Dr. Streamlove or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Delta Update

Meet Playlist Delta Updates: a wiser way of managing big HLS playlists. A story of a single feature, from customer request to reality. 
5 min read

What’s CMAF ingest? Why’s it streaming’s secret sauce?

CMAF ingest is a collaboration between members of the DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) and companies operating within the OTT industry.
3 min read

Unified Virtual Channel insights, from customers and partners

Unified Virtual Channel debuted in Unified Streaming’s product portfolio in early 2023. Since then the company has enriched the product, adding more features and refining its operation. Frankly, industry interest in Unified Virtual Channel has been keen.
5 min read

Virtual channels: common use cases, uncommon value

FAST channels. They’re getting front rows at trade shows. They’re getting bullet points at business meetings. They’re getting headlines and eyes on screens. Is the hype real?
5 min read

5 ways to launch channels fast

Do you know the phrase ​“cut to the chase”? It comes from early Hollywood. Movie execs said it, meaning, Let’s skip extra dialogue and go straight to the action. Like a chase scene. The saying caught on with the public. Now ​“cut to the chase” means ​“get to the point.”
8 min read

Go FAST, get personal, aim high, be unique, look back: 5 new ways to monetize content

Let’s say you’re a content creator, a content owner, a broadcaster, or an OTT streaming service.You’ve got some programming that’s not pulling its weight. It just … sits there.
5 min read

If you’ve got it, flaunt it: 5 ways repurposing content is king

Now that you’ve got content, you want to stream it. But what else? Put in ads? Charge more for better quality? Create super-personalized experiences? How about this, though: how about . . . all of it?